G Geile-Gonzales, Kimberlie Gilomen, Andre Ginsberg, Allen & Patty Glass Financial Group Godfrey, Wendy & William Goldsmith, Jesse
Bradburn, Jim & Leigh Braunstein, Ethan & Susan Brochick, George & Christine
Brown, Greg & Jean Builder’s Showcase Burgess, Robert & JoAnn C Cacciatore Family Charitable Foundation Cahill, Michael & Ranie Campbell, Jeffrey & Linda Chadwick, Anthony and Patricia Cherow, Les & Annette Christifulli, Nicholas & Tamera Chula Seafood Clark, William & Margaret Clary, Jim & Sheila Community Foundation of Southern Arizona Cooper, Martha Cuculic, Walter Cutler, Robin & Clifford Czerwinski, Kevin & Anne D-E Dalzell, Fred & Cathy Douglass, Steve & Andraea Eaton, David & Heather Edward A Lesser Family Trust Edwards, John & Cynthia Electric Bikes of Flagstaff Enterprise Growth Group Epker-Sinha Foundation Ethier, Andre & Maggie F Fehrenbach, Mary Kay & Edward Fernandez, Felix Fishman, James & Linda Fleck, Terry & Susan Forest Highlands Realty Fred & Leigh Johnson Family Trust Freese, Tim & Kim Friedl, William & Carol Connor, Jim & Gwen Cooper, Jim & Shauna
A Aldrich, Lawrence & Wendy AMG Charitable Anonymous - 7 Arena, Peter & Michelle Arizona Snowbowl Aspey, Watkins and Diesel Pllc Avenues of the World AZ Babies to Kids B Babbitt Ford Baber, Bob & Joy impact on those organizations that provide for the well-being of some of the most vulnerable members of the Flagstaff community. The Foundation and our grantees express their heartfelt gratitude. Through the generosity of our members, the Foundation was able to raise a total of $514,768 . We wish to acknowledge and thank the following Forest Highlands members for their contributions during the year. You have made a significant, positive
Golub, Robert & Suzanne Granberry, Victoria & Rod Greenbaum, Michael & Heather Groves, Paul & Mary Beth H Haake, Michael & Kathy Hair, Travis & Jan Hall, Brent & Kaye Hall, Kathleen & David Hall, Larry & Patsy Hallum, Steven & Rebecca Hancock, Marti & Greg Hardt, Athia Heiden, Bruce & Helen Herberger, Roy & Pamela Hermann, Susan & Ingolf Hettenhaus, Brandt & Susan Hibbert, OJ Hinds, Judith HomCo Hormel, Jamie Hughes, Craig & Christine Hullverson, Tom & Catherine Huntwork, Patience & Jim Huthwaite, Tom & Lauren I-J Iacobelli, Dirck & Peggy Ingram, Donald & Donna Jackson, Delmas & Ginny Jacobson, Robert & Patty Jacofsky, David Jennings, Thurston & Edith Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona JKC Johnston, David & Carolyn Josephine’s Restaurant
Bandy, George & Shirley Banucci, Gene & Phyllis Bartlett, James & Susan Bartlett, Kristen Bauer, Mark & Susan
Benson, Shawn & Andrea Beresini, Don & Stephanie Berlin, Eva Bicknell, Marty & Cheryl Blasdell, Jonathan & Stefanie Blegen, Jay & Mary
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