FHF Annual Report 2022


Cliford came to Flagstaff Shelter Services in early 2022 looking for resources to help him stabilize into housing. Clifford had only previously experienced homelessness for a short period of time in the early 90s. This time Cliford stated things were very different. Cliford had lived

with his brother for a short period of time due to unaffordable housing however Cliford eventually had to move into his van utilizing Flagstaff Shelter Services for meals, showers, and medical services -provided on-site through North Country Healthcare. Then in June of 2022 Cliford was given the opportunity to complete an assessment and intake for the Crown motel due to his medical vulnerabilities. Shortly after Cliford entered the Crown motel staff with the shelter learned of Cliford’s 26 year old daughter Raeonna and her 2 boys (ages 2 and 1) who were currently trying to flee an unhealthy situation and were subsequently sleeping in the van in which Cliford had just left. The Flagstaff Shelter Services team quickly went into action accessing Raeonna for a Crown intake, and welcoming Raeonna and her 2 boys into the Crown motel. Since Raeonna and Cliford settled into the Crown, they have been able to obtain full-time employment. Cliford works 4 nights a week and Raeonna works 3 nights a week while they juggle childcare the best they can. Cliford and Raeonna have both completed a Front Door Intake and since being at the Crown have been assigned a Housing Case Manager who they are working alongside to help them stabilize into housing of their own. Cliford stated, “You can have the strength as an individual to move forward but the services you receive and what you all provide here is what helps put it all into motion.” Raeonna and Cliford said they look forward to stabilizing into their own place and saving money to buy a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Cliford stated “We’re good, and my health is okay, I’m about to talk to the medical team later today. Raeonna added that North Country Healthcare was on-site to help her when both her boys had Rhinovirus over Christmas. “It’s a giant step! We went from sleeping in the van to a bed of our own, plus we can take a shower. Moving away from eating fast food and more of the meals you all serve here at Flagstaff Shelter Services is a great help. The boys are no longer in a van all day, they get to run around and play here at the Crown. They’ll run around all day until they are exhausted from playing!”



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